Hybrid System Records

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Messaggi: 769
Iscritto il: 10/04/2011, 15:03
Località: SO

Hybrid System Records

Messaggio da acoustic-mirror »


Hello and welcome

Since seems that most #Dubstep's Labels around the world
accept only a specific sub/genre,
giving no headroom for originality
and experimental ways, we decided to open a brand new one,
releasing most every Dubstep's subgenres and derivates,
including #HybridTrap, #Riddim, #Tearout, #FutureBass,
#Deathstep, #Minatory etc.. etc..

First VA Album/Compilation and forthcoming releases on work,
submissions accepted.

Hybrid System Records Label
managed by kean3D aka iS:ΣNÐ (CEO of Dark Impact Records)
with support of SM Audio Labs.

Info e Demo: hybridsystemrecords@gmail.com

Follow Us on

FB: https://www.facebook.com/hybridsystemrecords

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hybridsystemrecords/


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